26 May The Weightless Scales
The weightless scales
The triptych consists of three rotating parts and one stable.
Using the light, the parallel rotation ( not the movement) of the work of art changes into the vertical movement of the shadow, which seems to “talk” with the still shadow of the stable part of the triptych.
The right rotating sculpture combined with the stable one make up the world of the ideas, whereas the left rotating part with the stable one compose the material world ,the world of the senses and of the carnal desires.
The world of ideas
In the world of ideas all human figures are not people but ideas which are born, they reach maturity, they roam and they finally perish…During the rotation one can see the conception of an idea, the evolution and the birth of this notion as well as the parallel disaster of another idea which watches the birth. The foetus leaves his mother’s body, grows up and becomes integrated into the body of a man who stands opposite a woman. As the ideas wander about ,there are desires too. A hand turns up and moves towards the breast of a woman but it doesn’t touch it, it rises up to her face.
The world of the material, of the senses and of the carnal desires.
In this world one can detect all the human senses in a complete rotation. The viewer is asked to search for them.
The work refers to the material as well as to the perishable nature of it when it is murdered, destroyed and changes condition. Also, a reference is made to the carnal desires at different points during the rotation of the sculpture.
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