
Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] The Middle Ages, or Dark Ages as they are called by many, is a period in human (and primarily European) history which, compared to previous periods and to the Renaissance that followed, has...

Several great individuals shared their wisdom and helped us move forward. One of them was Archimedes of Syracuse, one of humankind’s greatest scientists. One of his most important discoveries was the wedge, which is incorporated in the Noesis logo and is also reflected in the...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Humankind slowly progressed. This evolution is also evident in human constructions, some of which are so grandiose and noteworthy that they are proclaimed the seven wonders of the ancient world. This piece incorporates...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Having overcome the stage of survival, man feels the need for expression in various ways, such as the arts and sports. During the Bronze Age, in the Minoan civilization and elsewhere there was...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] One of humankind’s greatest inventions is writing. It most likely began with man’s need to communicate information reliably. Thanks to writing, we were able to grow our collective knowledge, because we no longer...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] And at some point, man appears. Primitive man. Unaffected by civilization… Because he will be the one to create civilization… Initially, during the Paleolithic period, humans lived in caves. They were hunters and...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Flora and fauna. Slowly, life began on Earth. Dinosaurs were among the species that once existed on Earth. A rare species of vertebrates that disappeared approximately 65 million years ago. They became extinct...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] That is how the Earth was created, but initially it did not have the form it has today, and which is represented in this piece. It was completely different. Just think that Brazil...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3=""][/audio] According to scientists, in this chaos a series of explosions created space debris and gasses, which began moving and crashing into each other, resulting in some of them agglomerating and others disintegrating. And...

Listen the analysis of the artwork by the voice of Sofia Hatzoglou: [audio mp3="σελ.-5.mp3"][/audio] “In the beginning, there was Chaos”, according to Hesiod’s Theogony. Perhaps chaos does not have this form. But who knows? It is, after all, an abstract concept. Here, the artist wishes to encourage...